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Ashwood Management Partners, LLC provides a comprehensive set of professional services that help companies improve performance and increase their value to prospective acquirers.
Our Methodology Valuation
We determine market value and appropriate timing for a transaction. Our valuation models incorporate a variety of factors including financial performance, industry dynamics, competitive position, technological developments, M&A environment and market timing. We work independently or in conjunction with an investment banker to determine the value of the business and identify the risks that can prevent a transaction from closing.
Initial Due Diligence and Risk Management
We "roll up our sleeves" to analyze our clients' operations, technology, financial performance, assets, liabilities, management and growth opportunities. We identify operational risk factors, including market positioning, scalability of the business model, cost structure, management gaps and other factors that can prevent a transaction from closing or significantly impact valuation. We formulate action plans to address these risk factors and provide interim executive management to eliminate them before they become issues for a prospective acquirer.
Market the Company
With the investment banker, we identify a full range of buyers and aggressively market the company to an approved list of prospects. We develop presentation materials and prepare management for the sales process. We evaluate each prospective acquirer to understand their historical acquisition behavior, the strategic fit of the company and the specific risks factors that may be unique to each prospect. We tailor our presentations and messages to most effectively communicate the story to each prospective acquirer.
Final Due Diligence, Negotiation and Closing
We have negotiated a wide range of transactions as both principals and advisors. Consequently, we understand the acquisition process and the disruption it can have on a business. We manage due diligence to assure that it is well organized, efficient for the prospective acquirer and minimally disruptive to the business. We identify all significant disclosure items prior to the start of due diligence and set appropriate expectations so that the acquirer encounters "no surprises" that could derail the transaction. We negotiate the letter of intent or term sheet, the definitive agreement and any supporting agreements. We coordinate the attorneys, accountants and other advisors. Most importantly, we help our clients to mitigate the impact of the acquisition process on business performance and staff. Finally, we work with the executive team to assure all closing conditions are satisfied and the transaction closes in a timely manner.
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